Minions & Monsters

Minions are very important to the game. There are four types of minions. Melee, Caster, Siege and Super minions. Minions will always spawn from your base and charge down all three lanes to the enemy base. They slowly gain more strength as the game goes on.

Melee minions are pretty self-explanatory and can only hit what is right in front of them. Caster minions fire from range and have the same coloured attacks as the team, for example the blue team Caster Minions fire blue. This is good so you can tell and see if you are being shot at. Siege minions are much stronger than normal minions, they take less damage from towers, have more health and deal more damage. They only spawn every third wave though. Then there are the Super minions, which spawn when an Inhibitor has been destroyed and will continuously spawn in that lane. They have a lot more damage and health then all the other minions.

Minions are the main source of gold in the game. This is where “Last Hitting” and “CS” (Creep Score) come in. You should know that by killing a minions you get gold from it. So the more kills on minions (CS) the more gold you will have. This is why it is very important to last hit the minions so you get the gold to buy items. Which will make you stronger. The easiest way to last hit minions is to look at the health of the minion, know how much damage you can do to it and if anything else is attacking the same target so you can judge and time when to get the last hit of the minion.

Now the minions are very strong in the early stage of the game. If you attack an enemy champion when close to the enemy minions, they will target you and will deal continuous damage, so you can use this to your advantage and get the enemy champion to fight you in and around your own minions to do more damage. Where in the late game, the only minions that hurt are the Super minions and you don’t really have to worry about the Melee or Caster minions that much.


Now to the Monsters! Big changes are coming to the jungle soon. With new monsters and such, so I will update this part when it comes out. For now though, will give you the run down of the Jungle monsters that are neutral in the game and are not on a team. There are six “Camps” (Camps is just the term for the location of the monsters) on each side of the map. Not including Baron Nashor and the Dragon. These camps are, Wight, Ancient Golem (Blue Buff), Wolves, Wraiths, Lizard Elder (Red Buff), and Golems. Ancient Golem and Lizard Elder are the two main camps of the jungle. Killing the Ancient Golem gives you Blue Buff, which gives you mana/energy regeneration and cooldown reduction. Where killing Lizard Elder gives you Red Buff, which does a small amount of damage over time to what you attack and slows that target as well. The other camps, Wolves, Wraiths, Wight and Golems are only good for gold and XP.

Now to Baron Nashor and the Dragon. These two monsters are in the middle of the map and are also neutral monsters. The Dragon is very important for bonus XP and gold for the team that kills it throughout the whole game. It is good to get most of your team to help you take the dragon, unless the enemy team have no vision of it. Baron Nashor is the strongest neutral monster in the game. It is highly recommended to take on Baron as a team. For the team that kills Baron, they get an amazing buff and bonus XP and gold. The buff is to give each player on the team bonus Ability power, Attack Damage, Health Regeneration and Mana Regeneration. This gives teams a massive advantage when going to fight the enemy team.Monsters

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