
Chat is one of the best ways how you can communicate with your team. You are allowed to talk to teammates about what you want to do and anything you want to say to your allies throughout the game. Having better communication in a team can win you the game. Just by calling out wards, where enemy are if your team didn’t see them and if you need to go to base for an item etc. So it is good to be a fast at typing and learn the abbreviations for everything in the game.

Now one of the main problems is playing with people who are “toxic” which means they are being really rude and just pissed off at everyone. They will swear and if you make a mistake they will just have a hissy fit. Now the best thing to do in situation is using the mute button. Muting someone will stop you from seeing what the bad people say and will not enrage or make you feel bad if you make a mistake. Pings are still seen from that person if they are muted, so you can still communicate with the team and be on the same page.

Example of how NOT to use the chat.


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